Modern style headlights

oh man! can't we all just get along?... Lets talk about tail lights! I just saw these sweet led jobs...
I do think the safety card is a bit overplayed. More people have probably died in 100mph stuck accelerator Prius'. Just look at the range of OEM headlight and taillight setups over the last 50 years. All with the blessings of the wizards of smart at the department of transportation. None of those are either to dim or to bright, they are all just right.
Have a blast putting a 500hp motor on drum brakes and a 40 year old suspension with a bungee for a throttle return, but for the love of Pete don't touch your perfectly designed 40 year old headlight system!
The other topic that seems to bring out the extremists is gutting the cat on a newer car... wait! I just realized maybe they think we are actually gutting a cat. That explains a lot.