paint suggestions for Lulu Sweet Thang' 63 Dart convertible

Hey folks been poring over the paint threads here and wonderful information.
I am soliciting thoughts on paint for my Dart convertible. It started out as Polar White and was smacked on the driver side front. They replaced the driver fender and threw some kinda white paint on it. I did not trust it so have stripped to metal the hood and fenders.
I have been stuck on what color to paint the old gal. My wife tells me "Oh I love the 56 Chevrolet blue its so cool!" I grew up with a 56 wagon white on top blue bottom and loved that color. However I am thinking that I also like the B5 blue and electric blue. I run into a problem with the interior though. Original was the aqua=like blue so that would have to be painted and dyed. I cant make up my mind if I do go deep blue should I paint dash and doors the same color. Then the door panels and stuff in matching or a complement.
So then I flip-flop to thinking I want to paint it a nice white or off-white pearlescent with a blue pearlescent clear coat.
Thoughts or comments?
Stuck in Seattle!