Where to buy an electric fan setup?

I have a '62 Valiant with a 408 and a ThermoQuad. It doesn't have enough hood clearance to allow me to use a fiber insulating spacer under the TQ. Even though I've cut away the hood braces around the air cleaner, it just barely clears the hood.

The car has a bad case of heat soak, where it doesn't want to re-start after being driven on a hot day and then left to sit for about 15 minutes or more. It does eventually start if I open the hood, take the top off the air cleaner and let it cool a bit, but that is a pain.

I've considered installing a hood scoop to let the hot underhood air escape, but but I think that would be difficult to mount one. It would have to be heavily cut and shaped because the '62 Valiant has a pronounced upward crease in the center of the hood. Neither do I relish the idea of cutting up my nicely-painted hood and then having to refinish it after the scoop is installed.

I think I want to install an electric fan setup that would keep the fan on for a few minutes when the hot engine is turned off. Does anybody sell such a fan kit that a dummy like me might be able to install a little easier than assembling such a system from parts?

I know my fellow FABOites will come through for me like they always do. Thanks a lot in advance, as usual. You guys are really smart!