Body and paint SOS-911 help

I have tried a number of things with assorted levels of success. My project has a conglomeration of all sorts of paints/primers on it, so I have relegated myself to complete strippage. Inside the cabin and trunk, I used a heavy gauge wire wheel on an offset grinder to strip all the old paint and other crap that was in there down to bare metal. I works pretty quickly and can get into most of the pretty tight areas. These areas and the engine compartment are better reinforced that the exterior flat panels so are a little more tolerant of this brute force method.
I started stripping the deck lid with a DA and 60 grit and got nowhere very slowly. I switched to a 3M stripping wheel on an offset grinder and it worked very well without removing metal. I was careful to keep the machine moving so I didn't generate unnecessary heat. I finished it off with the DA once most of the paint was gone. This was much faster. Still a fair amount of work, but faster than what you were trying. You are only a couple of years older than me, so I can relate directly.
Careful if you use etching primer, so of your follow on products may not be compatible with that stuff as a substrate. Good luck. L8r