ol' slant is dead... need help!

You know since you obviously have no good advice to the op as to how he can fix his engine, why not go over to the big block and small block forums where the people there will actually appreciate your snide little off hand comments as to how V8's are way better than slants.

Seriously go troll somewhere else.

Just saying.:D

It's America, he's free to give his opinion wherever he pleases even IF people don't like it. Just saying.

I own a Slant six and have owned several along with small and big blocks, and I say a Slant is not that forgiving of lax maintenance. The ones I've been around with high mileage all bypassed the smoking and losing power that the V8's do, and went straight to blowing a rod bearing. I have YET to see a small-block lose a rod bearing. I'm sure they do but not in my own experience.

The OP should change the oil and filter and see what happens. If it knocks, then guess what, it blew up despite the it couldn't possibly happen's. I agree that a younger engine with less miles and wear should easily survive a short overheating.

But, nobody knows what shape this engine is in, and overheated, thin oil will take out a loose bearing. Fact.