always gotta be different

I was born in the fifties and remember seeing 50% of the old racer's and street drivers
lowered in the back and raised in the front to transfer weight to the rear tires way back
in the day, It seems to me you hit the look :glasses7: I remember seeing them back in 60'es and it may
have made it into the very early 70'es like 1972 as a gasser look and then there was the big rear tires all jacked up in the rear look at the same time.
Very nice job on the grill and seeing a hood on a mopar open that direction is different and has a mod retro look.
Taking pleasure of being creative and different (what ever make of car) you have is a good thing :thumblef:

Keep us updated :coffee2: this is the first late A body I have seen worked up this way :thumblef: