knock off air gap intake question

Even the Edelbrock stuff has bad core shift. Still a crap shoot with Eddy stuff. I have used a few of the knock offs, didnt have any issues and the engines made the power I was expecting.

These pics are from an Eddy RPM AG. The intake gasket was taped tot he heads and matched up perfect to the ports on the head. Then I put the intake on with the bolts so everything lined up. I then marked the gasket to the intake with a marker so I could place the gasket onto the intake in the exact position it was in when bolted to the heads when I took the intake back off for gasket matching. It was so far off, it could not be gasket matched. The center rib on the front ports was not even close. I went thru about 5-6 intakes from Eddy before I got one that I could gasket match. And they(Edelbrock) were not very helpful.