340 smoking bad

Ok i don't want to step on toes since i'm new here but when you say it smokes is the smoke a blueish color and stays in the air a long time or is it whitish in color and disappears quickly. If it is bluish and lasts a long time like you are killing every living thing in the area that is oil but if it goes away quickly then it is water vapor. Depending on the color you can figure out what is burning. How much oil are you using ? If it is oil the first thing to do is figure out how it gets in the combustion chamber. The pcv valve, the under side of the intake manifold, the rings ? If the smoke started all of a sudden something is broken but if it has been getting worse over time then something is blocked and the oil is being push in the combustion chamber to be burned. Depending on the age of the engine it could be intake valve seal but the smoke should go away after 5-8 mins of runing but you wil still be using oil that is why you need to know how much oil you are adding. If it is oil it will flow the spark plug in a short time of driving and you will have a dead miss. If the smoke is whitish then you may be burning coolant from a leaking head gasket or a cracked head. It is very important that you figure out what is going on before you disassemble the engine in any because if you go the disassemble route you may never figure out what the problem is. Pm me if you need more help ok