A big thanks for the tech help ..But.

Yes I have seen these and would not mind going this direction, but I think the evaporator and condenser/compressor and dryer should be a match :thumblef:
I know I can hang one and get a dryer and compressor lines and everything and once I go threw all of that I am still running the old HP robbing compressor and have to locate the high and low pressure lines and ones all of this is added up in cost I would rather throw another $200.00 at it and get the best bang for my buck so to speak. I really want this to be a updated system if I am going to make this move on getting A/C in my 66 that will not plug up and carry on cooling after I am gone :D I hope this makes cents, I was an hvac tec back in the day for homes, and I think a matching system is a must do.
Just another step toward having my little early A body move in to the future.