'Match Race 1969' 440 'Cuda vs 440 'Six-Barrel' Road Runner


1969 440 'Cuda 'Fastback'

Shipping Weight = #3279 lbs.

Here is what was 'thought out loud' by Plymouth Racing, but it never
made it to Product Planning.

A) Trunk Mounted Heavy-Duty Battery {135 Amp Battery= 59 lbs.}

Took 22 lbs. of weight {Standard-sized Battery} off the front left engine compartment,
and put 59 lbs. over the right rear wheel where it was needed.

Added +37 lbs. of weight

B} Edelbrock Aluminum Intake Manifold

Saved an additional 22 lbs. off the Engine.

C} Fiberglass Hood {22 lbs.} mounted to the conventional hood hinge assembly.

Saved {32 lbs.} over the 54 lb. steel hood

D} Overall weight change {-17 lbs.}

Put the 69' 440 'Cuda at #3262 lbs.

E} Make the 'faux' Hood Scoop units functional, with an under hood fresh-air intake unit.


F} Bump up the Camshaft Specifications to the next range, or utilize a Holley 800 CFM carburetor.

Rate the 1969 'M-Code 440 'Cuda '440 Special' at 380 Horsepower

#3262 lbs. ~ 380 HP = 8.58 Wt/Hp = C/SA {8.50 to 8.99 Wt/Hp}