Highest Gas Prices in North America

Here in Baltimore MD the place I get my gas from 3.58 for regular and 4.10 for 93 but 47 cents of every gallon is Md tax and it's not a flat fee for every gallon as the price changes so does the tax. This is something new the gangsters and the king just decided we needed and it went into affect on July 1 but next year we get another 11 cents Jan 1.
And if I thought that the tax would go to helping people that needed medical care I wouldn't mind it at all but it doesn't Oh by the way I just got hit with get this a rain water tax on the property that my shop is on 2100.00 a fricking year because it rains here now lets guess were that money is going, not to anyone that I know. Ok I'm done now THANKS I NEEDED THAT