Will You ship outside of the US

I ship all over the world also, its part of the business of selling. Knowing the different restrictions of each country is just something you learn by shipping there. Must be too much work for the guys just trying to make an easy buck!!

Now, as for boxing, weighing and quoting and not getting an answer back...arent you goin to box, weigh and quote that box again and again until it is sold? Why not just pack and weigh it once the first time and write the contents, dimension and weight on the box?? I find if it doesnt sell right away, a box is easier to store until it does sell,'and its all ready to quote and ship already!!

I always say, selling parts is easy, its the packing and shipping thats all the work!! If you dont want to do the work, dont do the business!! Geof

not if it sells local. :)

As Joe said for one thing. I normally end up selling more than one part when I do sell something so this would cost a lot more time. I end up buying more than one part many times when I am buying too.

Another big headache with shipping anywhere is the PayPal fees that have to be added to the high out of country shipping price so shipping doesn't eat up your item's sales price. It ends up being a lot of work if the buyer doesn't come through. Even in the states I have had the shipping price be more than the item's sale price.