anyone with hernia story? just had surgery

update!!-- will go back to work Monday, not getting a paycheck hampers things a bit, the time off was great-- but for Kansas it rained almost daily-- in fact I think this is the new record for rain in August!!(no outside stuff getting done)

I'm feeling pretty good-- just hard to get back into the pace I use at work-- but that will come .
I had to quite taking the percoset-- damn things would not let me sleep.
It was nice having time, took my son up to college-- thinks he can play baseball-- it will be an experience for him.

Won't be as quick to respond-- work keeps a tight rein on my time -- so it will be early mornings & late evenings!!
hopefully that will be the last surgery for some time-- the colon check came out great which is a relief-- my family loves the big "C".