There should be a special type of hell for these owners..

Here are our latest dogs we have adopted...

Beagles are special dogs. In Canada, it is estimated that over 3000 of them are tossed away each year ...

We adopted Faffy just after our first rescue dog, Eli died. Eli was 9 years old when the owners drove a couple hundred miles then kicked him out of the car. We now have had Faffy since '09. She was beaten to the point that if you raise your arm quickly even know, lets say to grab a glass off a shelf, she will cower. If you touch her...even if she is sitting beside you, she jumps.

We got called to foster Lulu on Dec 27th, 09. She was fully grown at 13 pounds. Not your normal Beagle size. She had been beaten by 3 previous owners and one tried to freeze her. We were the 4th owners in under a year. It was almost 3 months before she raised her tail when she walked. After 2 years, she still wasn't affectionate and showed really no emotion when we or the kids came home. It was thought that the damage just ran too deep. No matter. About 6 months later we noticed a change. Now she is happy when we come home..she likes to interact and she is just learning how to play. And she has become quite sociable.

They are family and I cannot understand why you would do something like that to a defenseless animal..