
Well just got in from an "unsuccessful" trial. Unsuccessful in that a quick clean of the generator carb resulted in ----nada.

But the blue O'Reallys gloves are not impressive. I'll use them on less "chemical" stuff, and try the black

Thanks for the comments, I'll try some other brands, too. They sure make ya sweat, LOL

I always use the Black gloves from O'Reilly. The blue ones are ok for light use, and can withstand some light oils or chemicals. They don't like brake cleaner or carb cleaner at all. The black ones are a lot tougher and can withstand some use of brake or carb cleaner but heavy use will still distort them. The Black gloves seem to run small though. My hands aren't huge by any means and I have to wear an XL in them or I tear them when I try to put them on. I don't work without them though.