Question for men giving blood

Every one should give blood,as only less than 5% of people give blood.I have over 60+ donations and counting.To those who give blood,my hat is off to you for your concern,to the others that do not have a true medical reason to not give blood,think about you or one of your loved one,s in some type of accident,or you need a operation,and you get to the hospital and there,s no blood,maybe when your going to the funeral you might change your mind.If you can,t find the time to go,make the dam time,as there is always a local blood donor clinic in the area,as you can give every 3 months.Look,I have seen larger men than me and smaller people men and woman either faint and even pass out,so there is no crime in that,**** happen,s,and some feel very weak some times,that,s why they have nurses.The true crime is you people that do NOTHING,good healthly people that don,t give a **** about your family and freinds,Mrmopartech