Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

My local cruise is filled with a bunch of older, grey haired fellows. Most the cars are between the 30-50's. I remember when I took my '68 Dart GT, I'd sit on my chair next to it (was 20 at the time) and none of the usuals would even bother to come up or talk to me. Definitely didn't feel very welcomed being about 30 years younger than everyone else. A couple weird guys came by my car. Everyone has to point out that I should get my driver's door trim. One guy told me I should switch out my steelies and hub caps for some Cragars because it looks like a grandma's car. The visitors were the nicest people. They actually showed interest and were willing to share their stories. I have found a couple of the older guys at the cruise to be nice. One of them wants me to buy his '73 Challenger with a '70 grille. Lol.