Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

Partially what is going wrong with society is that we are turning into an entitlement culture. Everywhere we turn there are ads telling us what we "deserve" and "what we want".

The problem is that now people transfer that to every aspect of their lives. People feel like if they want to do something like lean in somebody else's trunk, then they should be able and "dare" stop them.

That explains why people do a lot of things. Drive too fast in all situations, talk on cellphones whenever and wherever, anything. I hate to say this about the USA but maybe it's time we stop having so much stuff available to us. People were nicer and much more considerate when they had to work harder and scrape to have things.

Back then you could probably punch somebody for threatening you and not face being thrown in jail and lawsuits for "damages", "mental anguish" etc etc.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this country is quickly turning into a nation of demanding, whiny a**holes.