Guys at the shows and cruises are really rude

around here the regular car show guys are their own little gang and if you are not in the gang then they don't want you around.

and the way to get "in" is have a car that is considered a "high profile" car by them

the last few shows i went to made me think that actually hate people sometimes.

there basically has be a pompous *** jerk in every crowd, even here on FABO are a few. but at a local show you cant push an ignore button.

i do my own shows in my own yard, my cars are for my enjoyment anyway and i don't really care if some car show gang don't like it.

i used to own "high profile" cars but that brings on the crowd i don't like and are boring so now i enjoy my slanty and unrestored Joe dirt cars myself, i am actually glad that i don't have any "show cars" anymore.

Mater has rust and dents yet everyone likes him so why not my cars.
my dart has a dent that i am leaving in it bcoz i am the one who put it there :D