VX 35 in So Cal

Please explain the meaning of this sentence. I really do not understand... There are many, many gas.turbo systems running without an intercooler (low-boost systems.)

The way it is written ("a turbo with an intercooler,") it sounds like you think an intercooler is part of the turbo. I am confused by this...

Please elaborate. Intercoolers are separate from the turbo, itself.

OK, back to a real computer. I read through the 'turbo bible' reference (yes, I read the sticky's first...) and saw this:
and this: http://www.theturboforums.com/turbotech/img_turbine_32.jpg
and this: Petrol engines, where the exhaust gas temperatures are 200 to 300 °C higher than in diesel engines, are generally equipped with water-cooled center housings.

Just trying to learn... In the picture of the twin turbine, I recall the writer saying this was typical in diesel engines. So I was just wondering about this one VX35, in that it doesn't seem (from what I can see) to have the 'water-cooled center housing'.
Not trying to complicate it, but the nature of the subject is complicated. And I can't make it simple without understanding it myself first.