What are you listening to ?

Theres a couple a page or 2 back. We've only been playing together since April, Videos are from our first show which was in July only a month after finding a singer.

Heres another, Its a cover of Black Sabbaths Symptom of the Universe which is a song we only played a couple times before this show. The owner of the venue asked us to play another song so we went with it. This one was recorded right next to my bass stack so you can hear all my wrong notes :D

Into The Coven July 6 2013 - YouTube

I mean no lack of respect AdamR,

--- righteous --- music. however,

You folks need a singer , not a front man, a singer!!
not a vocalist, a singer...

You know ,one of You with a voice.

No lack of respect intended or implied Sir, just My humble observation.

The instrument lines are surgically tight...

only thing lacking ...

"one of You with a voice."

Me thinks You Folks already knew this however :D