water in town ????

My brother in law, who has been an energy engineer says that nuclear power is the only commercially viable way to go. Wind and solar are still not commercially viable and are just "feel goods" for the general public. I heard on CBC months ago that there is a gent in the US playing around with a product like uranium that was used in WW2. It has the same power producing qualities like uranium but it doesn't have the nasties like uranium. haven't heard anything else but my fingers are crossed.

For those that are gung ho on windmill power. Putting aside the effect they have on wildlife, humans and are mechanical equipment with a useful life of under 20 years i can give you some info on ours in our province,

We run 2 rates here..regular and off hours. Our high use rates cost us 17 cents a Kw hour. That rate is based on all costs with a profit margin worked in. Compare this with the .49 cents a Kw hour that our power company is paying for 'windmill" power ....with all costs and a cost of renewal per unit, I suspect that the consumer cost would be well over a dollar an hour..