water in town ????

I know this isn't the political forum, and I don't want to start a war in here, but, I have to ask...Why is everyone so afraid of nuclear power? The plants that have gone awry were all designed and built in the 60's. I think we've come a-ways, technologically, since then. (insert car analogy here) France gets 85% of their electric power from nuclear, and has for sometime now, with no accidents.

OMC....checked the front brakes on the Dart on the has them.

I'll stop here before I get told to.

The waste is the problem, not the plants themselves. It's either store it onsite, basically forever, which is what is currently biting the Japs on the hind end due to leaky tanks, {Fed nuke facility in Oregon too btw, nothing lasts forever} or transport it to a salt dome/mine and store it there which is risky.