65 Barracuda Gasser + 1956 325 Dodge Hemi Build

Well the last post was a few weeks ago and you all probably thought I was too busy out driving the Barracuda than to update the post.
Yeah, well we been making "lemonade" again and the following pictures will attest to our travails.
The last post I was sooooo very close to taking the Lil Cuda home and then a combination of things caused a re-do of the engine. While it wasn't anything catastrophic, to do the fix we had to take the engine out.
Rob was really never satisfied with the amount of oil we were getting to the top end of the rockers. That coupled with solving the lean condition in the carbs AND the (unknown at the time) fact that the cam bearings were restricting main galley flow........whew!
We bent an exhaust valve (#5) and scorched another. To do it right we had to pull the engine completely out to get to the cam and find the problem. So by the time we got the new valves, had the heads re-done and got the new cam bearings we checked the complete motor over and a good friend grooved the cam journals (since the bearings are not). All the bearings were/are spotless, pistons were fine, ring wear pattern was great.....all good. Reassembled the engine and this morning began putting it back into the car at 8:30 am. Had it in and pretty much buttoned up by noon.
Then Rob proceeded to go get the 69 Dart (engine picture posted earlier) and put that engine in this evening too. Did I say that Rob is awesome??!!
Really, my brother-in-law has stood beside me through this entire process; the first build/install, the chemo treatments and Dr's visits and the 2nd build and install......and he has not batted an eye! I am blessed! Thank you brother!
I am sorry if any of you are uncomfortable with my post, but hey....this is my life right now.
I will post some NEW pictures that may look like OLD pictures, but they are not. I also took some pics of the engine in the 69 Dart and of the underside fab work of the Dart for you to enjoy. Thanks for your continued prayers and kind comments.
We will fire her tomorrow and move onward and upward! Best, Chip