Harbor Freight - Gems and Junk

good: auto trim removal kit, external blaster and blasting cabinet, welding clamps, c-clamps, bar clamps, masking paper, cheap paint gun set (for primer), porta-power, socket holder thingies, peg board accessories, auto welding helmet, their air tools work good enough for our purposes also.

bad: floor jack (wouldn't hold pressure. My dad still has his Craftsman floor jack that he got 40 years ago, every ten years or so he has to replace the gaskets but it is the workhorse) and a myriad of other stuff I've gotten there and forgotten about because it was used once, broke, and got thrown away. Oh, their wire ties suck also, too brittle.

All in all Harbor Freight has it's uses but I certainly wouldn't shop there exclusively, as, I'm sure, we all feel.

I am lucky enough to have one right down the street from me.