Heater Box Rebuild Help!!!

If no one comes up with your answer, just shoot James an email or give him a call. He's a nice guy.

I did this morning and even tried calling a few times today. Got no answer. I'm sure he's busy. I've dealt with him before and he's a great guy! Just trying to get this thing done.

There is a foam strip that seals the Box to the under dash A/C vents. Could be that they include that piece to work with and without A/C. Post a picture and i can tell you if it looks like the one I used in my Dart.

I don't have a picture of it right now but it's the one in between the white caulking and the small white strip in the picture here:


Is that strip about 4 inches long? If so that gets installed when the box is split in half. It gets wedged above the damper (top of the box) that is closest to the blower motor. I had trouble with mine staying in place so I didnt install it.

Somewhere in the instructions it tells you about that piece but its very hard to see in the pics.

I got that one if It is the one that is glued to the inner side of the metal blower plate and is pressed against the trap door hinge. It must be cause its the only one that has a picture of it installed in the directions.