170 motor

will a 225 head bolt up to a 170 motor so i could use a header? I read a bit about others talking about stroke difference in the engine. Whats this mean?


It means when they needed a larger engine than 170 cubic inches, and were stuck with a very small bore engine, the only opportunity for them to have an engine with significantly more torque and horsepower, was to increase the displacement by increasing the stroke... A bunch!

The 170 has a 3. 1/8-inch stroke. Its big brother, the 225, was stroked one full inch (out to 4 1/8-inch) which netted ma mopar a 1/3-larger engine with the only external difference being a 1-inch taller block.

Everything else stayed the same.

The by-pass hose that goes from the water pump to the head is noticeably longer on the 225; that is the only easy way to tell which engine you have.

Unfortunately, the location of the exhaust ports is now higher up, since the block is taller, so the header that fits a 225 won't fit a 170.
