Ok then what is the recipe for a 425-450 horse streetable 340

I dont really have a $$ amount in mind that is why I am asking for the best bang-for-the-buck.
I have never been real keen on NOS. I want the power to be there when I step on it and not dependent on the press of a button. Not that that wouldnt be cool also but I would want that in addition to my 400-450 HP.
I think were gonna be beating a dead horse. I just need to find out how this thing is built. When I pull it to paint the engine comp. Ill pull the heads and oil pan to investigate.

Thank You guys for your input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was the next question - what do you have as a "core engine" starting point?

Some very basic formulas I use to estimate costs for a factory displacement to gain some perspective:
up to 1hp/cu inch = $11 per hp.
1.05hp/cu inch = $14.5 per hp.
1.1hp/cu inch (380hp 340 or 400hp 360) = $16.25 per hp.
1.25hp/cu inch (425hp 340 or 450hp 360) = $20 per hp.

Strokers change the math a little but it's a safe bet to add 25% to any level for a non factory stroke.