All that is left of the Acura

Some of the comments on that article are truly moronic. How can people make up every excuse to suggest that the criminal was somehow a victim? There are consequences to actions and when you make those wrong choices, it's not a "tragedy", it's the result of those wrong choices. Tragic would be if he had taken out an innocent bystander.

I couldn't agree more.

I've had it with the pity party that everyone has these days. It's the new "cool" thing to do, follow the trend, act like crybabies about everyone's rights, rather than how everyone should be respected. It's very coy and intelligent of everyone to start "thinking outside the box" or "reinventing the wheel" when it comes to things that worked, once, like putting criminals in their place, isn't it?

Blame it on Marilyn Manson, video games, McDonalds or whatever you like. I'll blame the lazy dad who left his belt on when he should have taken it in hand.

"Give them another chance." To do what, exactly?

I honestly think that anyone who is charged with a D.U.I. should lose their driving privileges forever. No second chances, no apologies, just GONE. Get the f-ck out and don't let the door hit you on the ***. You made your easily avoidable, selfish decision, now you can live with it the rest of YOUR life and be thankful if someone else doesn't have to, because of your stupid, conscious, careless decision and risk you decided everyone around you should take.

People who have no respect for the society in which they live, regardless of whichever way they choose to express their disrespect, is moot, they do not deserve any respect in return.

Get her a bumper sticker with a notice that reads
"The person who stole my last car, died in a police chase."