1969 340 Barracuda Convertible Engine Detailing

I was looking at my engine bay towards the end of Cali cruise season (and the rest of the car to be honest), and I started getting the itch to kick up the appearance of my engine bay and make it more cosmetically correct. Its not bad, but it is also not perfect. Not that Cali cruise season ends, I just want to take my car to the next level...perhaps before Fall Fling. The color of the car is incorrect, but I can live with it since it has survived since 1996.

The reason that I am asking is because I want to leverage the power of FABO members to help detail my engine bay to the next level (correct hoses, battery, stampings, decals, etc.) Think Paul Jacobs, Roger Gibson, Julius Steuer, John Balow type of stuff...

Being a longtime troll and limited contributing member, there is a short list of people that I have figured can help in this regard


I am trying correct those minor inconsistencies that only the most anal retentive members would notice. I toyed around the idea of making a 69 Barracuda 340 Convertible thread to document the details....who else can think of people or vendors that can help? I have a small list of vendors that I will post if they are good, even if they are not paying vendors (not sure of the rules on that Joey or Adam).

I have some high level photos for comparison, but wanted to cut my teeth on something that is not TOO far gone for the next car that comes my way. Thoughts?

Here is a beginning pic:

(i.e. Exhaust manifolds need to be painted in Cast Blast High Heat., heater hoses are wrong, battery caps should be yellow based on build date, radiator cap should be a Stant model, etc)

Anyone I have left out who I should consult with or can follow this post?