All that is left of the Acura

I wonder if some of these harsh commentaries would be the same if the term "my son" applied to the story, instead of "the 19-year-old".

If my son made choices like this, he wouldn't be living under my roof. I would kick him out and tell him not to come back until he got his **** together.

But if my son had done this and died, I would be sad and realize that he did take the risk and lost. He would have deserved it because of the wrong choices that he made.

Why do today's kids think that it is ok to steal a car and joy ride it, crash it, then run away and think that it was "a great experience"? When I grew up, we were taught to treat other people's property as good or better than if it was ours. Now we have these "jealous a--holes" who don't care. It's not theirs, who cares if they f*ck it up...

Then they get pissed off if you won't loan anything to them... As if it was theirs....