All that is left of the Acura

There are many ways to parent. I prefer help, nurturing, guidance and possibly professional help.

That's why there's so many f'ed up kids now a days too many folks don't believe in a good ole *** whoopin [as many as it takes]!!!!!!!!!!

My wife and I parented the same way we were raised, our boys were allowed freedom with rules if you broke the rules you were punished [*** whoopins, grounded, loss of all personal items] they were told if they got in trouble and went to Juvenile Detention or [as they got older] Jail that's where they was staying, we taught them right from wrong and they turned out great both are smart, well liked, in collage, employed, paying for cars, bills ect. If one of them had been this young man I would be heartbroken no doubt, but I would know we did everything to teach him to be a good person and he made bad choices!!!