wanting what you have

I have always been thankful for what I own. The other thread is a what if you could. Nothing wrong with dreaming. Some dream cars are easier to get then others. I delayed getting my dart on the road for a chance at a car that I wanted since I was 20. I've been smiling everyday just looking at it and driving it. The only thing bad about it is its not a Mopar. But every Mopar that I have owned has had a special place in my heart. I miss my 66 Coronet 500 the most. Nothing like buying a car off the original owner for $650. As a previous thread I had,I hate having to choose just one Mopar. They made sooo many awesome cars. Which ever car I owned I've always can't get enough of it. I dying to get my 64 Dart on the road next spring. I'm collecting all the parts i need so I'll be ready to hit it hard come spring! I've falling in love with the early A bodies. But I always see something else that gets me going. Which explains why I have owned over 25 cars in my life. But I'm going to "try" and just stick to my Dart and make it a sweet ride over the years ahead.