wanting what you have

If you will look back at my "editorials", you will find that I have always said that cars are for people. The people aren't for the cars.
In other words without the people our lives, these are useless pieces of metal.
The cars have history and mean something to us for that reason too.
Just like a person. That's the connection.
If you, like me, have found the car that you like, the sentiment behind it, AND have people to share it with, you have achieved the perfect balance.
Balance is one of the most important words in the language.
Joys and sorrows. Joys and sorrows. That's what life is full of.

ok, now there is another thread going about what type of car different people would pick if you could have any car in existence and money was no issue.

well that is very cool and nice to dream but for me it was hard to answer because in my own mind i already have my dream car.

my mom always told me since i was little that "life is not always about getting what you want but wanting what you have"

so this thread is for your currently owned dream car.......what car do you have that when you look at it , you get complete joy and it keeps you in the hobby. Maybe the car grew on you or it was a dream purchase for you....either way....what car do you already own that makes you smile when you look at it?

for me its my 68 Dart....given to me as a birthday gift and i wasn't really a fan of 68 darts before but now it has become a most prized possession because of who i got it from and because its a cool car IMO lol. even with its slanty engine that purrs like a kitten :D it definitely keeps me motivated to keep working and i have done a lot of work to it so far :cheers: