a727 lines

I will have to crawl back under the car and look for free real estate. I am hoping I don't have to disconnect the exhaust to get to the two openings. It is getting quite crowded under these and I have to install the intermediate parking brake cable soon.

I am not sure what the pressure is on these lines but 5000 psi ...assuming this isn't a typo.. seems to be a bit excessive.

I can get to the farm machinery dealer ...who knows, they may be less expensive that NAPA ...on Friday. I have dealt with them before and then to be quite direct. I like that.

I will post after my visit with them. After the purchase of the seats and the kick down cable, our budget is getting skinnier :) The nice thing is that we can make do now and revisit when funds free up. daughter heading back to university this weekend which means $$$$ :)

I appreciate the help.
