1st time at track next Wednesday - need advice

I'll throw one more thought out that i know will not be popular with you. I realize that you live in the "great white north" and track time is at a premium, but have you considered taking out one of your daily drivers to just get a feel for how everything works at the track?

I know your not a kid and can handle a car that has the capabilities of your Dart, but as the majority of us here started our track experience with a milder car, i'm just throwing a alternative out there. A lot of people ran there parents car as there first passes. I myself made my first passes in a friends mid 19sec 4spd Vega at 15yrs old.

I guess what i'm trying to convey is, don't worry about taking the beast out for your first experience and setting the world on fire.

I guess I sound like a parent...lol. I'm sure you'll be fine with your first outing. Just don't get disappointed with the results.

Bottom line......Be safe and have fun!