Dodge Diesel/Cummins Mechanic Advice Needed

I doubt this will be you problem but I have a 2010 ram. Mine started act strange hard to start and when it would the built in trailer brake would so a code. I took it to dealer and they uploaded new soft ware and said good to go. Couple days later same thing. So I start checking trailer wire and scratching my head. I disconnect the Batteries and find out one is got 13 volts other has 7 volts. Charge both and load test and one fails. Replace both and end of problem. Just what happened to me doubt it will fix yours but never know. Bill


Thanks for the idea, but the batteries are fairly new as well. I replaced them this Spring along with the starter. I didn't include that in the money I've spent in the past year on this thing, trying to fix the no start issue. I figured those are non-related parts that I would have had to replace anyway.