DIY Alignment?

Well you can easily level the car. Use "whatever" under the tires. In today's world of things like laser levels, that should not be a big problem. Someone "on the other thread" was making fun of using "scrap lumber and string." Well if it gets the job done, why'n'ell not?

Hell a string and plumb bob IS STILL to this day one of the most accurate ways bar none of establishing a plumb line, and from that you can determine level off the garage walls

What do you have for leveling / sighting tools? Nice big level? laser level? You happen to have a transit? I have a little David White transit that's easy to set up and is within 1/8" at 50 ft or more. Easy to check levels, just turn 'em around. Easy to check transits, just shoot across two power poles, mark, and then shoot the other direction.

When I did mine, I used my car trailer, just leveled the thing, and bang!! we have an alignment rack