1970 Super Bird orange color title still one family since father has passed

I do have pictures guys.....but I am only able to email them to people....geeze....when I try to upload them it says the files are too large.....

To resize the pictures:

Right click on the picture and choose "open with" - Paint

Then in paint, click on resize.

Then in horizontal or vertical, type in 40 (for 40%).

Then save as - rename the new picture and save.

To post:

Go to the window a the bottom and click on "go advanced".

Then click on the paperclip at the menu in the top of the post box.

then click on a browse button and find the path for the picture on your computer.

Keep adding pictures until you are done or run out of browse buttons.

Then click "upload" and wait for the pictures to upload.

Then click the "x" and close the box.

Then to to the post box where you want to have the picture.

Click the paperclip button and choose each file individually or load all.

Then click on "submit reply" when you have finished loading all the pictures.

Repeat as many times as necessary if you have more photos to post.