Tuning with jets, Power valves and an O2 guage

I would have to guess you can't get 93 octane ( that's what I use and can get easily here ) and your stuck with 91.
If you had to guesstimate your cranking pressure where are you p.s.i. wise?
Did you talk over build/selection with a builder/Lunati?
Are your Eddy's closed or open chamber?
Are you running vacuum advance on top of mechanical or just mechanical?
Are you using timing tape or a gun with dial +/-
I like the vacuum leak thought, but if your sure that's out of play lets move on.
I take it with your RPM drop you have an auto trans?
What was you "old" cams specs that seemed to run less det?
10.7 for your static comp ratio should be no problem with the right complimenting components, I'm curious as to what your dynamic comp. ratio is.