You know your domesticated when..

We just replaced our washer and dryer a couple months back.$1400..... Then the dishwasher took a dump,$600...... then the fridge,$1200..... then the water well $1600.......oh yeah.....and the TV and my laptop both konked out prior to all that so add another $1700 for those items...........

I don't think excited is the word I'm searching for here....Hmm.......Yeah...... Excreted. That's it.....

Almost forgot. Wife needed a new stove too......$800............

-I thought that kinda crap didn't happen often! I FEEL YA! Me?

Central A/C, dishwasher, one of the cars, the cable TV connection in front of the house (internet), the baby seat doesn't work for the new baby cast/harness (3rd seat in a month $$$) , wife missed a mortgage payment, & the cell phone bill, the hot water heater is going, the kegerator broke/leaked freon, & now I am prepping missile tubes like it's going out of style {work}, wife's car has a bubble in the front tire...

It never rains until it pours! & when the levee breaks, momma you got to move!