
Adam, ever use this stuff?

View attachment Liquidglass.jpg

Decades ago I had a friend that used to detail cars for me. He swore by it. I used it on my Honda CBR600F2....It was red.....after 5 years of daily commuting and sitting in the AZ sun at work it went from a nice rich looking red to tomato orange. What was funny about it was even though the sun faded the paint water still beaded off it....and I had not used it for a year or so.

Thanks a bunch for your advice. I will be trying the GTech on my bike, before I paint it so I have an understanding on how to use it. The bodywork/finish on it now is shot so if I screw it up it will not be a big deal. It has a lot of solvent popping, unfinished (sand marks) body work and scratches from me just not caring about it.....