Dim efi

If you want to learn, I am here to help. I use CodeVision AVR for writing C on the EMS2, and Basic4Android for the Android applications. I am not good at MicroSoft, I topped out at VB6, so moving on to simpler Android. :)

There is a free version of CVAVR that will work for small programs, standard package about $120. The B4A was about $70 for 2 years support.

The AVR micro controllers are powerful and easy to use. There are some faster ones out there, but implementing them is not as much fun. Once you understand a few AVR's it is easy to use different members of the family. They have 6 pin versions (=), all the way to 100 pins, and share instruction set and many peripherals. The six pin is the size of the =.

Easy may be relative, I have been working in product development over 30 years. I learn a bit at a time, but have (or had) good retention.