Dim efi

We are lucky to have you in the classic Mopar fold. I also hope to do some custom controllers for my Mopars, and even bought a few kits (TI MSP430 & a PLD), but no time. In my day job, I occasionally write programs for Windows or PLC's.

I also grew up w/ C, QB45, and VB6. I started VB.net several years ago and find it much nicer than VB6. It is more like using VBA in Excel. There are numerous pre-built objects you can call to make your code easy and concise, ex. parsing a text string into an array based on commas is a 1-line operation. It is just hard to find all the functions in the forest. It also never blue screens since your code is actually script that runs thru the CLR interpreter. C# is almost identical, just for those who want to imagine they are programming in C. Most good programmers I know are middle-aged and experienced. I work with several young EE graduates who don't know much programming, other than writing some Matlab m code.