Dim efi


Thank you for the kind words. I am lucky that my education, and varied work experience made it possible. I was fortunate in the process, of adding to skill sets in the workplace, when completing assigned projects. It is about non-stop learning.

I looked at the MSP430 about 15 years ago when it first came out. At that time the ADC and timers were not going to be enough to do EFI and ignition.

The ATmega128 fit nicely, it had enough timer channels (8+) to get the job done and sufficient on-chip RAM, EEPROM and FLASH resources. It did not require glue logic. Most engine management duties are about measuring time, and setting time events. I used an ISR based state machine, that was driven by engine timing sensors. The code is very small, the largest part of code is the user interface. The handing of the setting is done in a shared way, for real time tuning without any hesitation.

Some like the new Cortex controllers, however I have not tried them yet.