
drop me a line when your ready to apply it.

I am going to order some on try it on the bike before winter sets in, so I will be in touch here shortly. Thanks....

Heres one of my favorite before and after shots The car was only a year old. When I was done with it I asked the lady if she drove it through the woods. She told me that her granddaughter borrowed it and she didnt know what she did with it. I told her she drove it through the woods.

Looks like Lodgepole Pin-striping to me....That is what the side of my truck looked like after we drove it thru some neighbors trees a few weeks ago....He was freaking out over it, wanted me to take it and get an estimate on repairing it. Aint nothing the buffer and some mildly aggressive polish would not take care of. But my truck is silver so.....

When I use the GTech will I be able to use a duster on it, as long as it has a coat of the GTech on it?