Put my car in a car show yesterday... Was not as fun as I thought it would be

After battling a cooling issue all summer, I was finally able to drive my car in to work a few days this week. I figured it would be a good test considering it is an hour (at highway speed) both directions. It did fantastic! It ran great, it stayed just a tick above 180 the entire time... except when I would get stuck in traffic. It even shifted fantastic!

I decided to hit up a (kinda) local car show. This was the first time that I have ever actually been IN a car show. It was about 30 minutes away from my work and at that time of day... I got stuck in traffic. When I got there it was ready to boil over.

I kept my hood closed and let it cool off while a good friend of mine and I walked around and looked the show over. We noticed there were a hand full (about 6) other cars that overheated just like mine.

Once my car cooled off I opened my hood and we went to get something to eat. When we came back there was a guy and his two sons looking at my car. Which was great! I love the idea of the younger generations getting in to the older muscle cars.

I was going to say Hi to them until the teenager said, "Well, I am going to make mine look nicer". :lurk:

All I could think was, Really? I didn't say anything to them. We got some water out of the trunk and left. No one that I saw ever really looked my car over or really seemed that interested in it. Now granted, I wasnt having the best of days but, I can't see myself putting it in another car show:wack: