Put my car in a car show yesterday... Was not as fun as I thought it would be

I think i've seen your car on t.v., your name is Todd right?
Todd's cool.

All jokes aside, i can see why you would be disappointed. Nobody likes to have their car put down by anyone.
But, you might as well get used to it, because that's the way it just is in the car hobby.
I've heard it all from ''why is this p.o.s. here?'' to ''what a cool car'' and frankly i really don't care what people think about or say about my car anymore. I built it for my satisfaction and not every one else's.
So, go ahead and pick it apart i said to one guy. I also said that at least i know all of the flaws and i challenged him to find them. I explained that why i know all of the flaws and that's because i've either had a hand in creating them or they were there all along and i know this because i've had my grubby hands over every inch of this car and many more like it over the years. I asked him how many cars has he fixed up or worked on extensively over the years? He said none. I then said, shut the f*** up, because you don't know **** about cars and to keep his comments to himself, and that's not just my car it's everyone else's.
I find that i pick apart people's attitudes at shows, and not the cars.
That's the fun part of going to a car show to me, not showing the car.