How do you say FABO?

Hello, my name is FABO, the 340 Demon Kitty. Perhaps some of you remember me. About a year ago, I was found, injured and hungry, in a used car lot by 65LoveAffair and his wife, MommaCat. They could not afford to get my infected broken leg taken care of, so they put my story out here on For A Bodies Only. Thanks to generous donations by the wonderful members here, especially krazykuda (who actually met 65LA and his wife halfway and picked me up so he could take me to an emergency vet by him) my life was saved and I was able to return to the family that found me.

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Anyway, background information out of the way now, I understand there has been some confusion on how to pronounce my name. Since it is my name, I figured that I would be the ultimate reference for anybody who has any doubts. I pronounce my name "meow", but the English translation would be pronounced "Fay-bo."

If there are still doubts after my explanation, just look into my eyes, and all your questions will be answered...

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My name is pronounced Fay-bo..... Fay-bo.... Fay-bo...

Ah, who am I kidding. I don't care what you call me as long as I get my food, my rest, my food, my litter box cleaned regularly, my rest, my laser pointer, my food, my rest, etc. And not necessarily in that order. Silly humans...

With all she went through, she never lost her appetite! (That's probably what helped her recover so well and quickly.) Glad to see her all grown up and doing well.... :hello2: