Solid roller questions....

And our Pro Plus is $490 Cheaper than the Comp Elite, but ours are better and last longer. We have proof from what customers have run in the past and switched to ours and have yet to have any issues with them.

Howards dosent even make a lifter for Mopars like ours, so your comparing apples to oranges. Do they have lifters that have pressurized oil to the rollers for Mopars? Our Pro Plus is like the Howards Pro Max, but they dont have any for Mopars, and if they did they would be $700 or more.

BTW Howards dosnt even make their own lifters, all they do is re-box Morel lifters like 85% of the companies selling lifters do. Generic junk that might fit and work right, maybe. My lifters are not, and they are correct. I put my blood, sweat and tears into my Mopars, not just re-boxing someone elses stuff to make a buck and not give a F**K!